

Life is a peculiar place. Many times we feel dropped here, like we are constantly searching for something, something we do not know and that we do not know if we can find. Some call it purpose, others call it fate, and some just think its destiny. Nobody knows when, but you know when you know somehow.

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Are you beautiful?


We are all beautiful it’s the thoughts of ourselves that defer what we look like on the outside by Nyamushagi Bridget

What is beauty? Well I wouldn’t know and I probably couldn’t describe it if I tried but here is what I know for sure, beauty is an intangible manifestation of a positive energy about ourselves that is so deep within us it eventu Continue reading

How to stay productive, healthy and enjoy this sun.


Water, Air,Sun & A Happy You

While the city is really getting heated, there is a way you too can get really excited.

The weather here in Kampala is starting to turn from cloudy and chilly into our typically beautiful, warm sunny days. I plan to take full advantage of it while still kicking butt at work.
I’m now back to working at home full-time for the rest of the month, and I’m thinking back to some tips and tricks that I’ve used in past years to enjoy this sizzling weather while maintaining my balance. Whether it’s taking a chill on a Saturday or a busy Monday in office, there is an abundance of ways that we c Continue reading

Get Whiter Eyes With Home Regimens


Beauty is in your eyes, you’re the beholder

With Uwezo

They say you can see someone’s soul through their eyes, it’s true. You can tell when someone is youthful and glowing or even tired, hurt, angry and aging through their eyes. What this means is that we have to give time and attention to these lovely organs if health and youth is what we want to see.

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The Truth About Cutting The Kilos



The weight loss diary with UWEZO

 Weight loss is a major trend today more than ever because we live in a society whose media scrutiny has made physical appearance more important. This article will build onto the earlier posted article “Are You Beautiful?”

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Nail Care At Home


-Nyamushagi Bridget

Nails, are a small part on the edge of our fingers, though they carry, scrape, clean and more recently for the modern woman, are an accessory to her tremendous looks

Very often we run into situations, where the nails have been bitten, cracked or just gotten broken. This is why it becomes vital to know how to take care of your nails.

Taking care of your nails not only improves how your hands look, but also helps you stay hygienic and healthy. The article will delve in simple tips at home that can help you keep healthy and fabulous nails:

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Is Thick Hair All You Ever Dream Of??



with Nyamushagi Bridget

So I was going through my natural regimens recipes and I found castor oil, hmmm, I thought to myself castor oil, what could I do with this and guess what, there is so much more than we all thought. Pure castor oil is extracted from the seeds and it has a number of benefits, you’ll be glad you read this because besides being natural with no chemical compounds, it delivers almost on effect Continue reading





Its avocado week here at Uwezo and we are celebrating the goodness in life that is the avocado fruit. You may not know that the avocado’s other name is the “alligator pear” perhaps owing to its rough skin and pear shape. The avocado is very nutritious, has a positive effect on blood cholesterol levels, contains fibers and is full of monounsaturated fat, which is why we cannot afford to miss any home remedies with it.

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5 hands


That awkward moment when you shake someone’s hand and they’re like you have such hard hands is such a bummer! It doesn’t feel good to be judged by the stature of your hands, all a true lady wants, is to have soft and gentle hands that are tender and ooze feminine on the touch.

Our hands are a part of our body that is constantly in action, typing, washing, cooking, cleaning and all this can wear them out causing them to look course, wrinkled and darker than the rest of the skin

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Why God Made Chocolate.

What’s with girls and chocolates?

Jeremy blurted out as his 3 years old sister drove him crazy running around the supermarket so she could find the particular sort that didn’t have nuts?? Well for all of you guys out there that are wondering what’s with girls and chocolate? Here is an insight on how we as girls see things. Fasten your seatbelts. Remember that song….dum dum dum wouldn’t it be nice if the world was chocolate? Well I’m posing the question now.

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6 Things you never knew about coconut oil.


“Look, we just found the 8TH WONDER OF THE WORLD”

Nyamushagi Bridget

Some of the very greatest men drew their inspiration from nature, and still do many years after. What does this mean then? All good things indeed do come from the only source that we can always tap into, God’s creation.

If you’re having a bad day, a drink of coconut milk might just be all you need for a beautiful complexion. You need not look further than that palm tree. I was looking for oil that would feed my tough African curls, when I stumbled on so much more. The best part is that it’s affordable and really readily available in this tropical region

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